Event date
  • Healthcare Communications
  • 4.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
  • 4.50 Participation Credit
This is an in-person educational activity. A survey of Geisinger residents and fellows show, learners are all too frequently the targets of biased behaviors on the part of patients and their loved ones, as well as on the part of their colleagues on health care teams. This workshop reflects an effort and desire to help learners more effectively navigate these difficult, potentially harmful situations by empowering them with knowledge and skill. However, this workshop is not just an intervention, conceived as a solution to this recurrent, widespread problem.
  • Healthcare Communications
  • 5.00 AAPA Category I CME
  • 5.00 ACPE
  • 5.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
  • 5.00 ANCC
  • 5.00 Approved for APA Credit
  • 5.00 Participation Credit
This is an in-person educational activity. This workshop on interprofessional communication and conflict consists of:(1) brief didactic components (i.e., on empirical studies and findings concerning the importance of effective interprofessional communication in health care; on guidelines for responding to disrespect and fostering respect; and on conflict resolution strategies and skills), interspersed with(2) interactive, participant-engaged components (i.e., reflecting on the experience of effective and
  • Healthcare Communications
  • 4.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
  • 4.50 Participation Credit
This is an in-person educational activity. A survey of Geisinger residents and fellows show, learners are all too frequently the targets of biased behaviors on the part of patients and their loved ones, as well as on the part of their colleagues on health care teams. This workshop reflects an effort and desire to help learners more effectively navigate these difficult, potentially harmful situations by empowering them with knowledge and skill. However, this workshop is not just an intervention, conceived as a solution to this recurrent, widespread problem.
  • Healthcare Communications
  • 5.00 AAPA Category I CME
  • 5.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
  • 5.00 ANCC
  • 5.00 Approved for APA Credit
  • 5.00 Participation Credit
This is an in-person educational activity. This workshop on interprofessional communication and conflict consists of:(1) brief didactic components (i.e., on empirical studies and findings concerning the importance of effective interprofessional communication in health care; on guidelines for responding to disrespect and fostering respect; and on conflict resolution strategies and skills), interspersed with(2) interactive, participant-engaged components (i.e., reflecting on the experience of effective and