
Jennifer Spinozzi, MD, Staff Member, Geisinger - has nothing to disclose.

Kyle Marshall, MD, Staff Member, Geisinger - has nothing to disclose.

Jed Ritter, MD, Staff Member, Geisinger - has nothing to disclose.

Learning Objectives: 

At the conclusion of this session, the participant should be able to: 

  • Identify signs of interpersonal violence
  • Identify risk factors for abuse
  • List injuries that are concerning for child abuse
  • Describe how to properly report child abuse
  • Describe local anesthetic options for use
  • List toxic doses of common local anesthetics
  • Describe signs and symptoms of local anesthetic toxicity
  • Describe treatment options for local anesthetic toxicity
  • Review complications of delivery, including umbilical cord prolapse, cord entanglement, malpresentation, and shoulder dystocia. 
  • Recognize the various subgroups of osteomyelitis and their clinical presentations
  • Be able to describe the exam findings, appropriate diagnostics, and treatment for osteomyelitis
  • Recognize the common presentations and associated underlying pathology
  • Identify patient populations at increased risk for ulcerative lesions

Disclosure of Relevant Financial Relationships with/without Commercial Interests:

The Planning Committee consisting of Mark Olaf, DO have no identified disclosures. 

CE Committee Member/Content Reviewers have nothing to disclose. 

Any/All relevant financial relationships have been mitigated. 

Content Disclosure: 

This presentation/content is HIPPA compliant. 

Commerical Support for this Session


Session date: 
01/16/2024 - 7:00am to 10:00am EST
Geisinger Medical Center Skiendzielewski Educational Conference Room
Danville, PA 17822-1310
United States
  • 3.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
  • 3.00 Participation Credit

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